Minutes of the Committee meeting 17th September 2015

Minutes of Meeting

Thursday 17th September 2015


Present:  Stefan, Tess, Mesha, Geoff, Andrea, Diane, Susan, Alan, Beth


Apologies:  Adam, Herbie, Stuart, Gareth, David, Emma Moore


The minutes of the previous meeting were read, agreed & signed as a true record.


Safeguarding:  Andrea highlighted the need for the ‘Fairplay’ code of conduct to be better adhered to during competition.


Action Log:  Alan went through the action log with the committee and updated/reviewed appropriately.  A date of 12th October was agreed to go back into the pool – Tess to communicate to Managers.  No life member nominations had been received.

It was agreed to proceed with the changing of all the locks at a cost of £1200.00.  A tight control would then be placed on new key allocation, managers & committee only to start with.  Alan to action.  Alan still chasing lease renewal.


Treasurers Report:  Susan confirmed that there was still an outstanding debt of £4300 to be recovered from various things.  It was agreed that in future the Treasurer should be given more notice for payment requests and not just ask for money at short notice.  A ‘Cash Request’ form to be introduced – Susan to draw up.  Budgets for each division of the club to be set by new committee post AGM.


Matters Arising:

Club Mark – Diane had now completed the folder and we had now been awarded the prestigious Club Mark accreditation.  Diane & Alan have organised for us to be presented with the plaque during the Senior Nationals in the presence of SLSGB management.

AGM Nominations  –  All members have now been emailed the nomination details.  Aimed at making the nominee take responsibility in putting themselves forward.  Each nomination to be proposed & seconded by a member (all members included).

Constitution  –  No further feedback had been received regarding the proposed changes to be made to the constitution.  The changes would therefore be carried.

Fee Setting for Next Year – A £5 increase across the board was proposed to offset any increase incurred by SLSGB and to help cover costs per member.  Diane to report back following SLSGB’s AGM and any fee increase to be confirmed at the next meeting.  Diane also to speak to Perranporth SLSC to see how their standing order system was set-up, perhaps look into this for us?

Senior Nationals  –  All plans were now in place, Tess co-ordinating help, Craig organising party & tickets.

Blocked Walkways  –  After Nikki sustained quite a serious fall it was agreed by all that we must all be more vigilant in future when putting away equipment and keeping the boardroom tidy.


Any Other Business:

Alan congratulated the Senior Team on being so positive and setting a good example this year.

Alan to look at the ski room shutter door and decide a good plan of action?


Alan spoke about the next 12 months for the club and building a better vision together.  Please see & read the attached doc which outlines how we can all achieve this.


There being no further business the meeting finished at 9.30pm


The date for the next meeting was set at Thursday 1st October 2015.